
2022-11-16 75 Scholars including Yuen Kwok-yung and Xu Shu-chang are among the "World's Most Widely Cited Researchers" HKU has the most The Limited Times
2022-11-15 明報高中生升學博覽 明報
2022-11-15 袁國勇、許樹昌等75學者列「全球最廣獲徵引研究人員」港大最多 香港01
2022-11-15 Thirty-eight HKU academics listed among most highly cited researchers in 2022 Mirage News
2022-11-15 港大38名學者成本年度「最廣獲徵引研究人員」 排名全球第26位 TVB News
2022-11-13 中國電子數據取證賽首設港澳分場 警務處:助推動專業技術交流連繫 文匯報
2022-11-12 警聯港大辦電子數據取證賽「美亞盃」分場‎ 推動本港數碼法理鑑證 香港01
2022-11-12 「CSI」版法證緝兇盃賽首次在港舉行 港警數碼追蹤重組犯罪過程 星島日報
2022-11-12 「CSI」版法證緝兇盃賽首次在港舉行 考驗參加者數碼追蹤重組犯罪過程 巴士的報
2022-11-06 AI鏡頭偵測虐兒 童樂居試用 憑骨架分析動作 議員稱好事惟需加強員工溝通 明報
2022-11-05 HKU-SCF FinTech Academy, Cyberport And Hong Kong Productivity Council Jointly Announce FinTech Talent Study Report Revealing The Latest Demands And Challenges Of FinTech Talents In Hong Kong India Education Diary
2022-11-02 逾半港企搶金融科技專才 文匯報
2022-11-02 港具潛力領導灣區金融科技發展 信報
2022-11-02 港乏金融科技專才 主因:薪酬差距 經濟日報
2022-11-02 3招應對 提供培訓大專生實習 經濟日報
2022-11-02 灣區金融科技 港當領頭羊具潛力 大公報
2022-11-02 57%企業招攬金融科技專才 期望薪酬差距致人手缺 晴報
2022-11-02 港交所:特專科企上市 助接觸國際資本 昔日東方
2022-11-02 金融科技最缺技術性專才 香港仔
2022-11-02 調查:人工低致人才流失 技術性崗位最缺 逾半港企搶金融科技專才 文匯報
2022-11-02 近四成企業完全不熟悉ESG 文匯報
2022-11-02 One in two HK firms scout for fintech pros The Standard
2022-11-01 調查指57%受訪企業正在積極招攬金融科技專才 Yahoo
2022-11-01 調查:薪酬差距成本港金融科技人才短缺原因 商業電台
2022-11-01 學者稱薪酬落差是人才缺口最大成因 香港電台
2022-11-01 調查:薪酬差距成本港金融科技人才短缺原因 商台新聞
2022-11-01 HKU-SCF FinTech Academy, Cyberport and Hong Kong Productivity Council Jointly Announce FinTech Talent Study Report Revealing latest Mirage News
2022-11-01 港大金融科技學院公布調查數據 電子支付及網絡安全成本港熱門科技趨勢 大紀元
2022-10-31 香港大学开发测量细胞旋转运动的突破性技术 生物通
2022-10-28 Engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells ScienceDaily
2022-10-27 HKU engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells EurekAlert!
2022-10-27 Engineers Develop A Rechargeable Aqueous Battery With A Magnesium Metal Anode News Azi
2022-10-27 HKU engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells
2022-10-27 本地升學資訊/港大生物醫學 靈活自選學習方向 大公報
2022-10-27 HKU engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells Scienmag Science Magazine
2022-10-27 Engineers develop a rechargeable aqueous battery with a magnesium metal anode Tech Xplore
2022-10-27 Engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells Mirage News
2022-10-27 Breakthrough by HKU Engineering researchers in post lithium-ion batteries EurekAlert!
2022-10-27 Engineers Develop A Rechargeable Aqueous Battery With A Magnesium Metal Anode News Update
2022-10-27 Researchers develop new technology to measure rotational motion of cells
2022-10-27 港大成功研發癌症早期檢測新技術 大紀元
2022-10-20 The 2022 Asiagraphics (AG) Young Researcher Award was presented to Dr. Evan Peng Asiagraphics
2022-10-17 對話港大工程學院副院長顏慶雲: 國家首次在港澳選拔載荷專家 鳳凰秀
2022-10-04 【優勢互補】灣區強強聯手 產學研增協作 文匯報
2022-10-04 【創科·創未來】扶後進拚科研 創科盛百業興 文匯報
2022-09-29 Researchers Develop Ultra-Strong Aerogels With Materials Used In Bullet-Proof Vests Verve times
2022-09-29 HKU Researchers Develop Ultra-Strong Aerogel Tech Open Gov
2022-09-29 港大研新型超強韌氣凝膠材料 文匯報
2022-09-29 Researchers develop ultra-strong aerogels with materials used in bullet-proof vests
2022-09-29 Engineers develop ultra-strong aerogels with materials used in bullet-proof vests Nanowerk