
2022-11-01 HKU-SCF FinTech Academy, Cyberport and Hong Kong Productivity Council Jointly Announce FinTech Talent Study Report Revealing latest Mirage News
2022-11-01 港大金融科技學院公布調查數據 電子支付及網絡安全成本港熱門科技趨勢 大紀元
2022-11-01 調查指57%受訪企業正在積極招攬金融科技專才 Yahoo
2022-10-31 香港大学开发测量细胞旋转运动的突破性技术 生物通
2022-10-28 Engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells ScienceDaily
2022-10-27 本地升學資訊/港大生物醫學 靈活自選學習方向 大公報
2022-10-27 Breakthrough by HKU Engineering researchers in post lithium-ion batteries EurekAlert!
2022-10-27 Engineers develop a rechargeable aqueous battery with a magnesium metal anode Tech Xplore
2022-10-27 HKU engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells EurekAlert!
2022-10-27 HKU engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells
2022-10-27 Engineers Develop A Rechargeable Aqueous Battery With A Magnesium Metal Anode News Azi
2022-10-27 港大成功研發癌症早期檢測新技術 大紀元
2022-10-27 Researchers develop new technology to measure rotational motion of cells
2022-10-27 Engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells Mirage News
2022-10-27 HKU engineering researchers develop breakthrough technology to measure rotational motion of cells Scienmag Science Magazine
2022-10-27 Engineers Develop A Rechargeable Aqueous Battery With A Magnesium Metal Anode News Update
2022-10-20 The 2022 Asiagraphics (AG) Young Researcher Award was presented to Dr. Evan Peng Asiagraphics
2022-10-17 對話港大工程學院副院長顏慶雲: 國家首次在港澳選拔載荷專家 鳳凰秀
2022-10-04 【優勢互補】灣區強強聯手 產學研增協作 文匯報
2022-10-04 【創科·創未來】扶後進拚科研 創科盛百業興 文匯報
2022-09-29 港大研新型超強韌氣凝膠材料 文匯報
2022-09-29 Researchers Develop Ultra-Strong Aerogels With Materials Used In Bullet-Proof Vests Verve times
2022-09-29 Researchers develop ultra-strong aerogels with materials used in bullet-proof vests
2022-09-29 Engineers develop ultra-strong aerogels with materials used in bullet-proof vests Nanowerk
2022-09-29 HKU Researchers Develop Ultra-Strong Aerogel Tech Open Gov
2022-09-28 港大機械工程團隊研發新型超強韌氣凝膠材料 用於防彈衣頭盔
2022-09-28 HKU Mechanical Engineering researchers develop ultra-strong aerogels with materials used in bullet-proof vests Mirage News
2022-09-27 New rechargeable magnesium battery demonstrates excellent performance Innovation News Network
2022-09-25 Breakthrough By HKU Engineering Researchers In Post Lithium-Ion Batteries India Education Diary
2022-09-23 港大首創 「水性鎂金屬電池」 星島日報
2022-09-22 Agilis Robotics Targeting its Pre-B Round Fund-raising to be Completed by 2022 PR Newswire
2022-09-22 Breakthrough by HKU Engineering researchers in post Lithium-ion batteries Mirage News
2022-09-22 HKU Researchers Develop Post Lithium-ion Battery Tech Open Gov Asia
2022-09-16 港兩學者奪科學探索獎 文匯報
2022-09-16 50青年學者獲科學探索獎 信報
2022-09-16 港大科大兩教授獲內地科學獎 大公報
2022-09-15 港大仿生雙色點研究取得突破 促進工業應用
2022-09-15 Biomimetic dual-color domes programmable for encryption Science Daily
2022-09-15 Biomimetic Dual-Color Domes Programmable For Encryption Verve times
2022-09-15 港大機械工程教授尹曉波獲頒2022年「科學探索獎」 Quamnet
2022-09-15 港大機械工程系教授尹曉波獲頒「科學探索獎」 5年內將獲共300萬人民幣獎金 HKET
2022-09-15 Biomimetic dual-color domes programmable for encryption Nanowerk
2022-09-15 港大及科大兩學者獲「科學探索獎」 獎金逾300萬元 點新聞
2022-09-14 HKU-CAS researchers make history: Biomimetic dual-color domes programmable for encryption EurekAlert!
2022-09-14 HKU-CAS researchers make hi Biomimetic dual-color domes programmable for encryption Mirage News
2022-09-14 港大夥中科院首創可調控仿生雙色點 有助資訊加密應用 點新聞
2022-09-14 港大夥中科院首創可調控仿生雙色點 助資訊加密應用 BastillePost
2022-09-14 Biomimetic dual-color domes programmable for encryption
2022-09-14 港大夥中科院首創可調控仿生雙色點 助資訊加密應用 Sing Tao
2022-09-14 港大夥中科院首創可調控仿生雙色點 有助資訊加密應用 文匯報