An "Endowed Professorship" is one of the most significant awards bestowed upon eminent academics within the University. The generous donation will become a perpetual endowment in a designated discipline, as the Endowed Professor upholds a proud tradition of excellence.
An Advisory Committee ensures the appointments to the Endowed Professorships are made in accordance with established University procedures. All professors in HKU are eligible for the scheme.
Taikoo Professorship of Engineering
Professor Norman C Tien
The founding of The University of Hong Kong itself in 1911 was made possible through the generous donations of many individuals and corporations. Not long afterward, in 1919, the Taikoo Professorship of Engineering was established, the first endowed chair at the University. This initiated a legacy of excellence through the establishment of other professorships over the years.
"The resources of the earth, converted through science for the good of all people, and the bedrock and support of the knowledge economy — these are the gifts of Engineering."
"An enduring partnership in support of Engineering is an investment in our future generations."
Philip K H Wong and Wilson K L Wong
"It is a privilege and an honour to establish an Endowed Professorship for the Faculty of Engineering at The University of Hong Kong, my alma mater. I believe that my contribution will strengthen the Faculty’s ability to generate innovative research and enrich the educational experience of future young engineers."
Mr Francis S Y Bong
"Abide by your words and be true to your promises; be hard working and cautious; be grateful for all our blessings and never forget our roots; don’t abandon your sense of morality and justice in pursuit of self-interest. All of these truths should be viewed as a complete set, and no single principle should ever be ignored."
The late Dato' Dr Cheng Yu-Tung
"It is always new materials that open the door to new technologies. Kingboard whole-heartedly supports this Endowed Professorship in Materials Engineering and HKU’s mission in being the vanguard in technological advancement."
Kingboard Chemical Holdings Limited
"The Lam Woo Foundation supports education, social welfare and medical facilities in both China and Hong Kong. Biomedical engineering encompasses engineering and medicine, leading to numerous advances in diagnosis and treatment. It is most appropriate for us to endow this professorship."
Lam Woo Foundation
Naming Opportunities
You might want to leave a legacy and name a building or lecture theatre after you or your loved ones. If you would like to find out more, please contact us at 3917-8519 or email at enggfac@hku.hk.
Other programs you can support:
- Research projects
- Academic programs
- Scholarships
- Student exchange programs
- Student enrichment programme
- Internships
- General Academic Enhancement