

Impact Projects 2024-25

Impact Projects 2024-25

WaterSmart Hong Kong: Controlling Water Loss and Advancing Sustainable Water Management in Non-domestic Premises through IoT Technologies and Advanced Analytics

 Dr Edith NgaiPrincipal Investigator: Professor Edith Ngai (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
 Telephone: 3917-2675

Project Objectives:

  • Digitise mechanical water meter data of non-domestic premises, to enable the timely detection of leaks and anomalies through the application of IoT and data analytics technologies.
  • Promote the use of high-resolution water-use data to control leakages and to inform building managers’ water-conservation decision-making.
  • Enhance the level of water sustainability understanding within the property management sector.

Project Description:

Out of 3 million+ water-user accounts, 315,315 accounts are billed to non-domestic premises. While these accounts make up 9.87% of WSD’s total accounts, they use over 40% of Hong Kong’s total freshwater. This project aims to target the top 10% highest usage sites of each type of building. Through IoT and data analytics technologies, we aim at digitising mechanical water meter data and visualising high-resolution water-use data, so as to help building managers to identify, in a timely manner, water leaks and water-use anomalies in their premises. We will also conduct capacity-building workshops to enhance building managers’ water sustainability knowledge.

Target Deliverables in 2024/25:

  • A report on the KE outcomes and impacts achieved
  • An impact case study based on the relevant template of the UGC’s Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
  • Social media posts, infographics and/or posters on LinkedIn and for the buildings
  • Data visualisation dashboard for building/ site managers
  • A water-use report for each participating building
  • A Water Efficiency Calculator for non-domestic premises in Hong Kong
  • An article on the KE outcomes and impact in layman terms (in both
  • English and Chinese) for distribution to the media
  • Records and photos of seminars and sharing sessions with building managers and WSD