
Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering is one of the founding faculties of the University of Hong Kong established in 1912. Over the years, the Faculty has kept pace with developments in the engineering world and has always been at the forefront of engineering research. The Faculty has evolved into one of the largest Faculties in the University with four departments and a school providing undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees in a wide range of important fields of modern engineering, technology and computer science. The Faculty attracts the best students from the territory to study a wide range of engineering programmes. Since its foundation, the Faculty groomed more than 22,000 first-degree engineering graduates and over 20,000 postgraduate research and taught masters graduates as of 2024. Many of its graduates hold senior and prestigious positions in the engineering industry, commercial sector, education field and the government.

There are four departments and a school under the Faculty providing a well-rounded curriculum and high quality engineering education covering a wide range of engineering disciplines in the global knowledge-based economy:

The Faculty aims at providing all-round education to students equipping graduates not only with knowledge of cutting-edge technology, but also positive and lateral thinking, versatility of approach, excellent communication and social skills; professional integrity, international exposure and other highly-regarded personal attributes.