Scholarships and Financial Assistance
Various scholarships and fellowships are available to our research students:
Other financial assistance offered by the University and HKSAR Government:
Composition Fees and Living Expenses
All students (including Scholarship holdersd) have to pay the composition fees.
Composition Fees
a. Subject to annual revision.
b. Due to the withdrawal of funding from the University Grants Committee on part-time places with effect from 2009-10, part-time MPhil and PhD programmes will be offered on a self-funded basis and the tuition fees will be reviewed on an annual basis.
c. HKU waives composition fees for the whole normative study period (i.e. HK$42,100 (~US$5,400) per year) for HKU-PS and HKPF awardees.
d. UGC waives composition fees for all local students enrolled in full-time UGC-funded RPg programmes w.e.f. July 1, 2018. For more information, please refer to the UGC website.
Please click here for the full schedule of fees.
Living Expenses for Non-local Students
The living costs vary from one person to another depending on the type of accommodation selected and other factors. Usually, the postgraduate scholarship is sufficient to cover food, lodging, general living expenses and composition fees. Please click here for further information.