
2024-03-27 2024內地與香港建築論壇首次在粵港澳大灣區舉辦 新浪新聞
2024-03-27 2024內地與香港建築論壇在穗開幕
2024-03-27 2024內地與香港建築論壇在廣州舉行 羊城晚報
2024-03-18 港大頒獎禮表揚「最廣獲徵引研究人員」 Sing Tao
2024-03-18 港大51學者膺科睿唯安「最廣獲徵引人員」 歷年新高 Ming Pao
2024-03-11 Memory Element Enhances a Human Sight-Mimicking Quantum System Photonics
2024-03-08 三八婦女節|「破格」讀工程、做主廚 「女強人」勉勵堅持理想:成就需自己爭取 I-Cable
2024-02-29 房屋局「公營房屋x綠建科技與綠色金融—與業界同行」研討會 何永賢:冀拓綠色建築金融新機遇 Ming Pao
2024-02-20 HKU Unveils Quantum Sensing Breakthrough Open Gov Asia
2024-02-20 Widefield diamond quantum sensing with neuromorphic vision sensors Sky News
2024-02-19 遊戲球評估狗隻心理 獲殊榮 Oriental Daily News
2024-02-19 港大研小狗遊戲球 唾液測心理健康 Ming Pao
2024-02-19 Widefield diamond quantum sensing with neuromorphic vision sensors PHYS.ORG
2024-02-19 Quantum Sensing Breakthrough Opens New Bio-Monitoring Avenues Mirage News
2024-02-07 X-Doctor丨液滴革命:岑浩璋教授引领微流控技术发展新篇章
2024-02-06 開發平台研 MiC模塊運輸 港大學者獲2000萬資助 Wen Wei Po
2024-02-06 Robot to ease discomfort in neurosurgeries The Standard
2024-02-06 MRI結合機械定位 精準治療腦疾 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-02-06 中大港大研機械人 腦神經手術更精準 Hong Kong Economic Times
2024-02-06 手術機械小助手 腦瘤插針幫定位 中大港大跨學科攜手開發 誤差少於3毫米 Wen Wei Po
2024-02-05 Agilis Robotics Unveils Groundbreaking Advancements in Endoluminal Surgery PR Newswire
2024-01-21 HKU, MIDAS Unveil Strategic Partnership for Tech-Enhanced Education Mirage News
2024-01-21 HKU and MIDAS Collaborate to Transform Technology-Enhanced Education Theultramods
2024-01-21 HKU and MIDAS Forge Strategic Partnership for Tech-Enhanced Education Bollyinside
2024-01-21 HKU and MIDAS IT Forge Partnership to Transform Civil Engineering Education BNN Breaking
2024-01-15 港大9研究項目獲內地及香港資助 促進中港兩地合作科研
2024-01-15 港大9項目獲資助 將與內地合研 Oriental Daily News
2024-01-14 港大9項研究獲國家自然科學基金、港研資局2023/24年度撥款資助 Master Insight
2024-01-14 Nine HKU Projects Secure NSFC/RGC Research Funding Mirage News
2024-01-12 低成本不鏽鋼的製氫之路 Sing Tao Daily
2024-01-08 優必選在港設研究院 Wen Wei Po
2023-12-28 研模擬人腦系統 盼AI訓練快千倍 港大裘槎獎得主:港不重階級最可貴 Ming Pao Daily News
2023-12-28 港大研究大幅提升AI計算速度 裘槎獎得主:樂見政府重視科技成果轉化 Ta Kung Pao
2023-12-28 Hong Kong researchers seek key to advanced AI chip within original model – the human brain South China Morning Post
2023-12-28 Memory device aims to boost AI The Standard
2023-12-28 港大教授憑「憶阻器」 奪裘槎前瞻科研大獎 Sing Tao Daily
2023-12-28 Hong Kong scientists use advanced AI to unlock human brain modeling Interesting Engineering
2023-12-28 Hong Kong researchers are looking for the key to an advanced AI chip in the original model – the human brain NewsBeezer
2023-12-25 AI助偵測 及早發現地盤安全隱患 Ta Kung Pao
2023-12-21 港大研細胞「塑性變形」機制 為再生醫學發展供線索 Ming Pao Daily News
2023-12-20 HKU Scientists Achieve Breakthrough in Cell, Tissue Mechanics Mirage News
2023-12-20 A mechanism-based theory of cellular and tissue plasticity
2023-12-10 港研新能源電池 助機器人持久續航 Ta Kung Pao
2023-12-05 HKU achieves 13th global position with record 50 academics on Clarivate's Highly Cited Researchers 2023 List EurekAlert!
2023-12-05 氣候變化環境下 香港的極端水災(下) Sing Tao Daily
2023-12-04 Positive loop powers university's ascent The Standard
2023-12-04 HKU's inroads to sustainable development The Standard
2023-12-04 陳驥 - 氣候變化環境下 香港的極端水災(上) 星島日報
2023-11-28 Novel Framework For Assessing The Utilization Efficiency Of Mobile Power Sources In The Power Grid TradingCharts
2023-11-28 晶泰科技與港大先進生物醫學儀器中心建立合作,推進硬科技成果商業化 TechLife