
2024-09-19 港穗浙研發微痛精準血糖檢測 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-09-19 港大研新監測系統 提升血糖讀數精確度 Sing Tao Daily
2024-09-18 Team develops next-generation wearable continuous glucose monitoring system for diabetes management medicalxpress
2024-09-07 港大團隊運用AI技術 全港分9個預報區 「分區暴雨預警」精準防災 Ta Kung Pao
2024-08-14 港大顯微鏡新算法 提升成像力更逼真 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-08-13 港大AI技術賦能電子顯微鏡 可望揭示複雜生物機製 Dot Dot News
2024-07-26 Safe, long-cyclable lithium metal battery for high temperatures pv magazine
2024-07-24 New Quantum-Enhanced Microscopy Unveils Cellular Force Secrets SciTechDaily
2024-07-23 Engineers develop safe and long-cyclable lithium metal battery for high temperatures Tech Xplore
2024-07-22 HKU Engineering researchers develop new method for achieving controllable tuning and assessing instability in 2D materials for engineering applications Scienmag Science Magazine
2024-07-18 港大開發新一代鋰電池 電動車有望「一杯咖啡」時間完成充電 [大紀元新聞網] Epoch Times
2024-07-18 鋰電池|港大工程學系研發新一代鋰電池 有望「一杯咖啡」時間完成電動車充電 Hong Kong Economic Times
2024-06-27 港大AI配對義工App獲捐1500萬 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-06-26 A simple crystal with ultralow thermal conductivity has applications in thermal insulation and thermoelectrics
2024-06-25 A simple crystal with ultralow thermal conductivity has applications in thermal insulation and thermoelectrics Tech Xplore
2024-06-25 Breakthrough in 0.05 Tesla MRI reported by HKU Engineering team in Science Journal 台灣產經新聞網
2024-06-20 港大研超低磁場MRI 免屏蔽 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-06-20 磁力共振丨港大研發出無磁場屏蔽磁力共振儀器 接駁普通插座即可使用 Hong Kong Economic Times
2024-05-28 新型微流体技术测量微纤维的弹性模量 广泛应用于生物医学工程 Health TV
2024-05-27 New Microfluidic Technique Measures Microfiber Elasticity for Biomedical Use Mirage News
2024-05-27 New microfluidic technique to measure elastic modulus of microfiber for wide biomedical engineering applications Today Headline
2024-05-27 Hong Kong enhances stereotactic neurosurgery precision using MRI-guided multi-stage robotic positioner BioSpectrum
2024-05-23 港大MRI機械人定位器 提升腦手術精準度 Ta Kung Pao
2024-05-23 港大研發 MRI機械人定位器 神經外科手術更精準 AM730
2024-05-23 港大製機械人定位器助深腦手術 Wenweipo
2024-05-23 港大突破 MRI機械人定位引導 深腦手術精準操刀 Oriental Daily News
2024-05-23 Cutting-edge breakthrough for neurosurgeries The Standard
2024-05-22 大學科研|港大研MRI機械人定位器輔助腦手術 提升精準度、時間減半 HKET
2024-05-22 港大機械工程系團隊改良技術 提升立體定位神經外科手術精確度 Bastille post
2024-05-22 港大團隊改良技術 提升立體定位神經外科手術精確度 RTHK
2024-05-22 大學研MRI機械人助腦部手術定位 提升精準度
2024-05-22 港大研新型機械人定位器 提升深腦手術精確度 Epoch
2024-05-22 港大以MRI機械人定位器提升神經外科手術精確度 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-05-22 Research team develops MRI-guided multi-stage robotic positioner for precise stereotactic neurosurgery Medical Xpress
2024-05-13 科學家媽媽:追求科研卓越 閃耀母性光輝 HKTKWW
2024-05-13 科學家媽媽 追求科研卓越 閃耀母性光輝 Wenweipo
2024-05-10 新型流體系統朝向人造血管 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-05-09 卓越結構大獎2024|以非接觸方式 及早發現混凝土內部結構潛在問題 Sing Tao
2024-05-09 New fluidic system advances development of artificial blood vessels and biomedicine applications
2024-05-09 Robotics start-up secures US$10m funding The Standard
2024-05-09 醫療機械人初創Agilis Robotics獲千萬美元融資 港大中大孵化 研世界最細手術機械人 Sing Tao
2024-05-09 港初創研內窺鏡手術機械人 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2024-05-08 港大6位工程學者榮獲2024年度AI 2000全球人工智能學者嘉許 香港新聞網
2024-05-05 港大學者陳驥:防災應化被動為主動 善用科技 加強預測極端降雨 Ta Kung Pao
2024-04-26 Key to efficient and stable organic solar cells ScienceDaily
2024-04-26 工程師發現高效穩定有機太陽能電池的關鍵 生物科學網
2024-04-26 Engineers uncover key to efficient and stable organic solar cells The Scientific Journal
2024-04-24 Past winner of Hong Kong tech competition deploys seafaring bots to tackle ocean pollution South China Morning Post
2024-04-23 港大水凝膠發電器 植入人體醫學設備 收集動能轉化 供電心臟起搏 Oriental Daily News
2024-04-22 港大研發水凝膠電能轉換器 適用於人體 大纪元