
2023-05-11 港大 AI 技術可分析人體動作 偵測暴力行為及意外能發警報 UNWIRE.HK
2023-05-10 港大研發AI技術分析人體動作 偵測暴力行為及意外即時警報 明報
2023-05-10 Experts to help combat cybercrime surge The Standard
2023-05-10 HKU's real-time anomalies detection tech wins gold at Geneva invention expo The Standard
2023-05-10 港大研AI技術實時警報嬰兒或長者遇意外狀況獲獎 不涉面貌特徵保障私隱 TVB News
2023-05-10 港大研發人工智能偵測技術獲獎 可實時警報嬰兒或長者意外狀況 TVB News
2023-05-10 港大AI異常狀況偵測技術獲獎 可監察院舍、泳池等地意外並發警報 HK01
2023-05-10 港大研發的人工智能異常狀況偵測技術於日內瓦發明展奪3獎 商業電台
2023-05-10 港大AI偵測技術日內瓦展橫掃18獎 分析意外圖像助及時救援 東網
2023-05-10 港大研發人工智能偵查人體異常 日內瓦獲三獎 財華社
2023-05-10 University of Hong Kong’s AI anomaly detection technology wins multiple awards at International Exhibition of Inventions Dimsum Daily
2023-05-10 人工智能|港大研AI偵察人體動作 能快速識別跌倒打鬥發預警 保障兒童長者院友 晴報
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva News Patrolling
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Malay Mail
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 新浪香港
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Media OutReach
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Taiwan News
2023-05-09 港大校長論壇幾點感想 信報
2023-05-09 港大创新科研项目于48届日内瓦国际发明展赢取多项殊荣 DB Power Online Limited
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Et Net
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Asia One
2023-05-09 打擊科技罪案│警方去年底成立顧問小組 集結12名科技界精英出謀獻策 星島頭條
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva PinayTechSaga
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Haps Magazine Korea
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Laotian Times
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva The Middle East North Africa Financial Network
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Sin Chew Daily
2023-05-09 學無止境 - 香港大學協理副校長(研究及創新) 岑浩璋教授訪問 Metro Radio
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva News Patrolling
2023-05-09 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva IT News Africa
2023-05-05 岑浩璋 - 科研成果商品化 培育本科生作Start-up生力軍|科中創新 星島日報
2023-05-04 港大製導電水凝膠 有助開發電子皮膚 文匯報
2023-05-04 港大研導電水凝膠 可製心臟補片、電子皮膚 明報
2023-05-03 HKU Team Develops Electroconductive Hydrogel for Biomedical Use Mirage News
2023-05-03 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva Science Magazine
2023-05-03 Engineers develop electroconductive hydrogel for biomedical applications
2023-05-02 HKU’s innovative research novelties excel at 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva EurekAlert!
2023-05-01 2023日內瓦國際發明展 多家大學榜上有名奪160獎 Master-insight
2023-04-30 創科路上/日內瓦發明展港隊勇奪逾200獎 大公報
2023-04-30 香港代表特別獎一覽 文匯報
2023-04-30 Researchers develop AI smart manufacturing for dental crowns The Dentist
2023-04-30 港代表團於國際發明展奪40獎項 東方日報
2023-04-30 國際發明展香港獲歷來最多獎狀 包括約30個評審團嘉許金獎 東網
2023-04-30 數據科學如何融入社會科學?(Part 2) (00:53 - 21:19) RTHK
2023-04-29 HKU excels with innovative research at Geneva inventions exhibition Mirage News
2023-04-29 第48屆日內瓦國際發明展多間大學奪獎 理大獲特別大獎數目為全港之冠 香港經濟日報
2023-04-29 港大創科項目日内瓦國際發明展收穫19獎 2項目奪得特別大獎 Bastillepost
2023-04-28 HKU Dentistry uses AI For Smart Dental Crown Manufacturing OpenGov
2023-04-27 Tissue engineering: Developing bioinspired multi-functional tendon-mimetic hydrogels
2023-04-27 AI設計個人化假牙 形態壽命媲美天然 信報