
2020-04-28 港大生偵測情緒App及時紓壓Hollo藉AI記錄行為模式助評估需要 成功晉級 下月出戰世界賽 (2) 信報
2020-04-28 港大生偵測情緒App及時紓壓Hollo藉AI記錄行為模式助評估需要 成功晉級 下月出戰世界賽 (1) 信報
2020-04-15 Novel High-Speed Microscope Captures Brain Neuroactivities Scienmag
2020-04-14 Novel 3D Imaging Technology Makes Fluorescence Microscopy More Efficient Scienmag
2020-04-14 Novel high-speed microscope captures brain neuroactivities EurekAlert!
2020-04-14 HKU biomedical engineers reach neuroimaging breakthrough Open Gov Asia
2020-04-14 Novel 3-D imaging technology makes fluorescence microscopy more efficient
2020-04-14 Novel 3D imaging technology makes fluorescence microscopy more efficient EurekAlert!
2020-04-13 HKU Engineering leads strategic public policy research on MiC supply chain Mirage News
2020-04-13 HKU Engineering leads strategic public policy research on MiC supply chain in the Greater Bay Area for HK development India Education Diary
2020-04-11 港大研熒光顯微鏡 監察病毒感染細胞 大公報
2020-04-10 港大三維顯微鏡 細胞光損害激減 信報
2020-04-10 港大「雙光子」探索大腦深處 巴士的報
2020-04-09 港大成功研发高速显微镜 为脑疾病提供研究线索 21世纪新闻
2020-04-09 HKU biomedical engineers achieve significant breakthrough in neuroimaging with novel high-speed microscope to capture brain neuroactivities India Education Diary
2020-04-09 HKU Biomedical Engineering develops novel 3D imaging technology to make fluorescence microscopy more efficient and push the boundaries of living cells research India Education Diary
2020-04-09 港大教授研新型顯微鏡 助研究帕金遜症等腦部疾病成因 HK01
2020-04-09 Professor of HKU researches new microscope to help study the causes of brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease The Limited Times
2020-04-09 HKU biomedical engineers achieve significant breakthrough Mirage News
2020-04-09 Hong Kong researchers achieve breakthrough in neuroimaging with novel high-speed microscope People's Daily Online
2020-04-09 HKU Biomedical Engineering develops novel 3D imaging technology to make fluorescence microscopy more Mirage News
2020-04-09 Hong Kong researchers achieve breakthrough in neuroimaging with novel high-speed microscope Xinhua News
2020-04-09 港大成功研發高速顯微鏡 為研究大腦功能及疾病提供線索 點新聞
2020-04-09 港大雙光子螢光顯微鏡 助研究腦部疾病成因 頭條日報
2020-04-09 港大成功研發高速顯微鏡 為腦疾病提供研究線索 香港新聞網
2020-04-09 港大成功研发高速显微镜 为脑疾病提供研究线索 新华网
2020-04-09 港大雙光子螢光顯微鏡 助研究腦部疾病成因 巴士的報
2020-04-09 港大發明雙光子螢光顯微鏡 可助研究腦部疾病
2020-04-09 港大研發兩新掃描成像技術 或助偵測腦神經病變及追蹤胚胎成長 經濟日報
2020-03-31 Team develops new wastewater treatment process
2020-03-31 HKU Team Develops New Wastewater Treatment Process Scienmag
2020-03-30 Researchers develop novel wastewater treatment process to effectively remove health hazards Waterwastewaterasia
2020-03-30 HKU researchers develop a novel wastewater treatment process to effectively remove health hazardous chemical contaminants AlphaGalileo
2020-03-30 港大研發污水系統 除污更有效 經濟日報
2020-03-30 港大研新污水處理系統 有效除新興污染物 星島日報
2020-03-30 港大研發新污水處理法 成本減逾半 東方日報
2020-03-30 HKU team develops new wastewater treatment process 7thspace
2020-03-30 HKU team develops new wastewater treatment process EurekAlert!
2020-03-30 HKU team develops new wastewater treatment process
2020-03-30 HKU team develops new wastewater treatment process
2020-03-29 HKU researchers develop a novel wastewater treatment process to effectively remove health hazardous chemical contaminants India Education Diary
2020-03-29 港大團隊研發污水處理系統 較傳統污水廠更有效除污染物 經濟日報
2020-03-29 港大研發新污水處理方法 可除去兩種內分泌干擾物
2020-03-29 Researchers develop a novel wastewater treatment process to effectively remove health hazardous Mirage News
2020-03-11 港大機械飛魚創50米健力士紀錄 信報
2020-03-10 港大研發Turbo機械魚 創五十米健力士世界紀錄 東方日報
2020-03-10 港大研發極速機械飛魚探索海洋 Lion Rock Daily
2020-03-10 港大研發Turbo機械魚 創五十米健力士世界紀錄
2020-03-10 港大生製全球最快機械魚 文匯報
2020-03-09 港大研發機械魚助探索海底世界 破50米最快機械飛魚健力士世界紀錄 經濟日報