
2023-12-25 AI助偵測 及早發現地盤安全隱患 Ta Kung Pao
2023-12-21 港大研細胞「塑性變形」機制 為再生醫學發展供線索 Ming Pao Daily News
2023-12-20 A mechanism-based theory of cellular and tissue plasticity
2023-12-20 HKU Scientists Achieve Breakthrough in Cell, Tissue Mechanics Mirage News
2023-12-10 港研新能源電池 助機器人持久續航 Ta Kung Pao
2023-12-05 HKU achieves 13th global position with record 50 academics on Clarivate's Highly Cited Researchers 2023 List EurekAlert!
2023-12-05 氣候變化環境下 香港的極端水災(下) Sing Tao Daily
2023-12-04 Positive loop powers university's ascent The Standard
2023-12-04 陳驥 - 氣候變化環境下 香港的極端水災(上) 星島日報
2023-12-04 HKU's inroads to sustainable development The Standard
2023-11-28 XtalPi and HKU’s Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre Sign MoU AiTHORITY
2023-11-28 XtalPi and HKU's Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre Sign MoU to Accelerate Deep Tech Commercialization FirstWord HealthTech
2023-11-28 晶泰科技与香港大学先进生物医学仪器中心签署谅解备忘录 0XZX
2023-11-28 Novel Framework For Assessing The Utilization Efficiency Of Mobile Power Sources In The Power Grid TradingCharts
2023-11-28 晶泰科技與港大先進生物醫學儀器中心建立合作,推進硬科技成果商業化 TechLife
2023-11-28 晶泰科技与港大先进生物医学仪器中心建立合作,推进硬科技成果商业化 YuPaper
2023-11-27 UWEB携手香港金融管理学院:铸就香港Web3.0金融科技人才发展的新纪元 Phoenix New Media
2023-11-27 港大工程团队超级钢项目又一重大突破 成功研发制氢用不锈钢 Toutiao
2023-11-22 Novel framework for assessing the utilization efficiency of mobile power sources in the power grid Tech Xplore
2023-11-21 HKU Hits 13th Globally with 50 Academics on 2023 Clarivate List Mirage News
2023-11-20 New stainless steel boosts green hydrogen production from seawater Interesting Engineering
2023-11-19 Scientists create ultra stainless steel: a revolutionary material for affordable hydrogen production knowridge
2023-11-18 New ultra stainless steel for hydrogen production ScienceDaily
2023-11-18 Ultrastainless steel for production of hydrogen] is create Seldon.News
2023-11-17 HKU Engineering ‘Super Steel’ team develops new ultra stainless steel for hydrogen production EurekAlert!
2023-11-17 Engineering team develops new ultra stainless steel for hydrogen production Tech Xplore
2023-11-17 "HKU develops novel ‘AI virtual patients’ diagnostic application Breaking spatial and geographical barriers for medical training Revolutionizing global medical education exchanges " EurekAlert!
2023-11-17 KU Engineering ‘Super Steel’ team develops New Ultra Stainless Steel for Hydrogen Production [AsiaOne] 2023-11-17 AsiaOne
2023-11-17 HKU develops novel ‘AI virtual patients’ diagnostic application Breaking spatial and geographical barriers for medical training Revolutionizing global medical education exchanges [ EurekAlert!
2023-11-15 港大工程团队研发高效准固态镁电池 具潜力取代锂电池作商业应用 DBPower
2023-11-15 港大研發製氫用不銹鋼 抗腐蝕製氫表現遠勝其他鋼材
2023-11-15 港大製新不銹鋼 助降海水製氫成本 Wen Wei Po
2023-11-15 港大研製氫用不鏽鋼助發展新能源 Sing Tao Daily
2023-11-15 HKU Engineering team unveils innovative battery design that promises high energy density and sustainability 台湾产经新闻网
2023-11-15 港大团队成功研发“制氢用不锈钢”
2023-11-15 港大團隊成功研發“制氫用不銹鋼” 华夏经纬
2023-11-15 港大研發製氫不銹鋼 成本降40倍 抗腐蝕能力大增 可用於電解鹽水 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2023-11-15 Clarivate Reveals World’s Influential Researchers in Highly Cited Researchers 2023 List
2023-11-14 HKU Engineering ‘Super Steel’ team develops New Ultra Stainless Steel for Hydrogen Production AlphaGalileo
2023-11-14 港大团队成功研发“制氢用不锈钢” China News
2023-11-09 港大推「AI病人」培訓醫科生問診 Hong Kong Economic Times
2023-11-09 HKU develops AI 'virtual patient' to enhance medical students' skills The Standard
2023-11-09 港大AI病人練醫科生問診 性格病歷不同 輔助常規教學 Ming Pao Daily News
2023-11-09 AI虛擬病人 訓練醫科生問診 Oriental Daily
2023-11-09 港大研「AI虛擬病人」訓練醫科生問診 Lion Rock Daily
2023-11-09 港大研AI虛擬病人 訓練醫科生診症 上月納乳腺外科教學 Sing Tao Daily
2023-11-09 港大製「AI病人」App 讓醫科生練問診 Wen Wei Po
2023-11-09 港大研發「AI虛擬病人」 訓練醫科生問診斷症 Ta Kung Pao
2023-11-09 港大研發AI病人培訓醫科生 Hong Kong Economic Journal
2023-11-08 港大研發「AI虛擬病人」 模擬診症互動供醫科生培訓 BastillePost