
Recent events at Inno Wing Two and Innovation Academy

Oct 25, 2023


TechTalk is a series of forums and dialogues given by Engineering researchers of diverse academic backgrounds to share their insights on innovation-related topics.

Tam Wing Fan Inno Wing Two arranged two TechTalks in September 2023, both virtually and physically. Here is the recap of the talks:


Date: September 14, 2023

Topic: Simulation, Optimization and Artificial Intelligence for On-demand Ride Service Operations

Speaker: Dr Jintao Ke, Department of Civil Engineering


Date: September 21, 2023

Topic: Wireless AI Perception: A New Sense for Machine Intelligence Beyond Vision

Speaker: Dr Chenshu Wu, Department of Computer Science

For details, please refer to:


Innovation Academy workshop on advanced technologies

The workshops created opportunities for active exchange and learning for the advanced technologies and/or research outcomes from pioneering Engineering projects in the Faculty of Engineering.

Innovation Academy arranged one workshop in September 2023. Here is the recap of the workshops:


Date: September 20, 2023

Topic: GeneCraft: Discover the Fingerprint of Life


For details, please refer to: