TechTalk is a series of forums and dialogues given by Engineering researchers of diverse academic backgrounds to share their insights on innovation-related topics.
Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Two arranged two TechTalks in August, 2023, both virtually and physically. Here is the recap of the talks:
Date: August 3, 2023
Topic: Expanded Potential Stem Cells: A New Tool for Basic and Translational Research
Speaker: Professor Pengtao Liu, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
Date: August 28, 2023
Topic: Quantitative Predictive Theories through Integration of Quantum, Statistical, and Irreversible Thermodynamics
Speaker: Professor Zi-Kui Liu, The Pennsylvania State University

For details, please refer to:
Third Exhibition - Technology for Future
Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Two held the Third Exhibition starting on September 1, 2023. “Technology for Future” is the theme of the Third Exhibition. Thirteen cutting-edge engineering research projects led by Professors in the Faculty of Engineering are exhibited in the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing Two and online Metaverse. From the videos and displays, visitors will be equipped with knowledge of rationales underlying these projects and their methodologies to tackle the grand challenges. Further through interactive prototypes and functional exhibits in Innovation Wing Two, visitors will get even more detailed knowledge about how these research ideas have been translated into reality and create impact to our Future.

For details, please visit: