Dr Zhiqin Chu of the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Dr Yuan Lin of the Department of Mechanical Engineering had worked on the research for the topic “All-Optical Modulation of Single Defects in Nanodiamonds: Revealing Rotational and Translational Motions in Cell Traction Force Fields”. The research is recently published by Nano Letters on August 10, 2022.
Details of the publication:
All-Optical Modulation of Single Defects in Nanodiamonds: Revealing Rotational and Translational Motions in Cell Traction Force Fields
Lingzhi Wang, Yong Hou, Tongtong Zhang, Xi Wei, Yan Zhou, Dangyuan Lei, Qiang Wei, Yuan Lin, and Zhiqin Chu, Article in Nano Letters,
Measuring the mechanical interplay between cells and their surrounding microenvironment is vital in cell biology and disease diagnosis. Most current methods can only capture the translational motion of fiduciary markers in the deformed matrix, but their rotational motions are normally ignored. Here, by utilizing single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in nanodiamonds (NDs) as fluorescent markers, we propose a linear polarization modulation (LPM) method to monitor in-plane rotational and translational motions of the substrate caused by cell traction forces. Specifically, precise orientation measurement and localization with background suppression were achieved via optical polarization selective excitation of single NV centers with precisions of ∼0.5°/7.5 s and 2 nm/min, respectively. Additionally, we successfully applied this method to monitor the multidimensional movements of NDs attached to the vicinity of cell focal adhesions. The experimental results agreed well with our theoretical calculations, demonstrating the practicability of the NV-based LPM method in studying mechanobiology and cell-material interactions.