The Department of Computer Science conducted HKU Computer Vision Lab Virtual Workshop, “When 3D reconstruction meets deep learning” and a distinguished lecture “From Einstein's Curiosity to Quantum Information Technology” in January 2021.
When 3D reconstruction meets deep learning

The workshop was one of the workshop series under “HKUCS Computer Vision Lab Virtual Workshop Series”. International speakers from Cornell University, UC Berkeley in USA, University of Adelaide in Australia, Seoul National University in South Korea, and University of Tübingen in Germany were invited as speakers while Dr Kenneth Wong of Department of Computer Science acted as the facilitator during the workshop.
For more details, please visit: https://cms-a.cs.hku.hk/compvislab/
From Einstein's Curiosity to Quantum Information Technology

Professor Jian-wei Pan, Executive Vice President of the University of Science and Technology of China; the Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Director of CAS Center for Excellence in Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, was one of the leading quantum scientists worldwide and the father of quantum information in China. Professor Pan had shared his insight in the area of Quantum mechanics including the milestones of quantum information and quantum computing, starting from Einstein’s curiosity on the nature of reality and reaching the latest breakthroughs in photonic quantum computing and satellite quantum communication.
For more details, please visit: https://cms-a.cs.hku.hk/csdl-20210115/