Why are you pursuing an education in Engineering?
· All HKU Engineering undergraduates, taught postgraduates and research postgraduates are welcome to join.
· Both Individual and team are acceptable.
Submission deadline:
5pm (HK Time), January 17, 2020 (Friday)
· A maximum of five entries will be selected. Each prize will be awarded with HK$1,200.
· The selected video(s) may have a chance to represent HKU Engineering to participate in the international ASEE Student Video Contest and win US$3,000 and a trip to ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada in June 2020.
Judging criteria:
· Unique content: Did the video demonstrate why you are pursuing a degree in engineering and include enough supporting information to tie in the theme.
· Creativity: Did the video show authenticity and attract viewers’ interest in the video.
· Technical: Focus and audio and transitions and editing.
Panel of Judges:
The panel of judges is comprised of Dean and Associate Dean of Engineering, Faculty Secretary of Engineering and members of the Faculty Publicity Workgroup.
Announcement of results:
The result will be announced in late January 2020. Winners will be notified individually to receive their awards.
Nomination to participate in the international ASEE Student Video Contest:
Selected videos will have a chance to represent HKU Engineering to participate in the international ASEE Student Video Contest and win US$3,000 and a trip to ASEE Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada in June 2020. Details of the competition could be obtained from www.contest.asee.org.
Basic specification of entries:
Each submission must meet the following requirements:
· The video should not be longer than 90 seconds.
· The language should be in English.
· The format of the video could be in AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4 format.
· Text, images and animation may be included.
· Resolution should be at least 1920×1080 (16:9).
· The name of the video should be stated in the application form.
· A brief description of not more than 200 words should be included in the application form to introduce the video.
Submission method:
· All submissions should reach the Faculty Office via online platform by the deadline.
· Procedure and requirement:
o Fill in the online application form together with the URL (Dropbox or Google Drive) of the video.
o Late submissions will not be accepted.
Terms and conditions:
1. All submitted entries must be the participants’ original works that have not won any award in other competitions. If the entries had entered other competitions, the participants should ensure that the copyright of the entries does not belong to any organisation. The participants shall assume responsibility for any disputes over copyright. The Organisers accept no responsibility for such disputes.
2. All submitted entries should not infringe any copyright and intellectual property rights. The copyright of all submitted entries is vested solely in the Organisers. Participants shall agree that the Organisers can at any time display, reprint, reproduce, use or modify their entries for any purposes, and that the Organisers are not required to notify the participants and pay them copyright fees.
3. Participants shall agree and accept the publishing in any forms and the public display of their entries, and the production of these entries into any items by the Organisers, e.g. the public display or publishing of the entries in public exhibitions, the websites, social networking sites or publications of the Organisers; the production of these entries into any items, such as souvenirs or calendars, etc.
4. The winning videos will be used by the Faculty for promotional purposes, both internal and external. The student producer, individual or group, will be acknowledged as appropriate. The videos may also be refined as appropriate and authorised by the Faculty of Engineering.
5. All submitted entries and their brief descriptions of the design concepts shall not be returned.
6. All submitted entries must not contain obscene or indecent content.
7. The Organisers reserve the right not to use in whole or in part the submitted entries. No dispute shall be raised by the participants concerned.
8. Names, products or services of any companies or entities or any third-party trademarks, logos shall not be contained or referred to in all entries. No entries shall be used for the promotion of any brands, products or services.
9. The Organisers have the right not to accept any improper entries or entries not aligning with the theme and specifications of the contest. If there are doubts that the entries have infringed the intellectual property rights of other persons, the Organisers have the right to disqualify them from entering or winning the contest.
10. The participants shall participate in publicity events related to the contest upon invitation of the Organisers.
11. The contest results decided by the Panel of Judges shall be final. Participants shall abide by the decisions and shall not raise objection.
12. Participants shall abide by the regulations of the contest and all other terms and conditions set out in the application form.
13. The Organisers reserve the right to interpret and revise the regulations of the contest and all other terms and conditions set out in the application form. Participants shall not raise objection.
Participants have the right of access and correction with respect to their personal data as stipulated in Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, and have the right to obtain a copy of their personal data provided in the application form.
Reference of previous ASEE video contest: https://125.asee.org/video-contest/.
"Engineering and You" Video Contest Terms and Conditions
Online Application Form