Dr Kaibin Huang (2nd from the right) received the award during IEEE International Conference on Communications in Shanghai.
Dr Kaibin Huang of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering received the 2019 Best Tutorial Paper awarded by IEEE Communication Society for a vision paper he co-authored with other leading researchers in the area. The paper entitled “Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications: A Review of Recent Advances” summarizes recent contributions in the broad area of energy harvesting wireless communications. This key reference to the area was published in the IEEE Journal in Selected Areas of Communications and has been cited for more than 500 times.
The full article could be viewed in the link below:
Sennur Ulukus, Aylin Yener, Elza Erkip, Osvaldo Simeone, Michele Zorzi, Pulkit Grover, Kaibin Huang
"Energy Harvesting Wireless Communications: A Review of Recent Advances", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 33, Issue 3, pp. 360-381, March 2015