
HKU Engineering Experiential Learning Trip to Myanmar 2018 on Urban Farming

Aug 6, 2018 - Aug 11, 2018

The latest cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies may give a promising direction to solve the global issue of food crisis. In a recent overseas experiential project in Myanmar from August 6 to 11, a group of 13 HKU Engineering students from Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical and Electronic Engineering and 2 teaching staff worked closely with the teachers, professors and 35 Science students from Dagon University (DU), Yangon, Myanmar. The group had explored the possibilities in using the IoT technologies, cloud computing and sensor technologies to improve urban farming technologies which regarded as one of the possible solutions for food crisis.

A joint seminar was held and relevant topics such as technologies & skills for soil testing and management of urban farming were discussed. HKU students shared their scientific knowledge and practical skills on soil extraction and testing with the teachers and students in DU. In addition, a series of five HKU-led workshops on Engineering Structural Design, Indoor Deployment, Engineering S/W Programming, Engineering H/W Programming, and Web Programming were organized. DU students expressed that they were much motivated and benefited in learning from these workshops.

Besides, the team conducted on-field testing and outdoor deployment of their carefully designed IoT devices with renewable energy for environment monitoring & urban farming in the campus of DU. The team also learned about the culture, environments, resources, and other local characteristics of Yangon by joining the DU students for a city exploring trip. Students discussed on new Engineering problems such as water pollution, online trading or transportation problems in Yangon.

For more details of the trip, please visit


Dr C.K. Chui, Dr Hayden So and Dr Vincent Tam with a group of HKU Engineering Students review the progress of tasks for the experiential learning trip to Myanmar.


A group photo of HKU Engineering and DU teams after the opening ceremony of the experiential learning project.


DU teacher teaches HKU students on extracting soil samples in the DU campus.


Dr Vincent Tam, the Project Supervisor, discusses with an Engineering student on preparation for the workshop.


HKU-led workshop on Engineering programming was held.