William Mong Distinguished Lecture
by Professor Srinivas Tadigadapa
Sep 19, 2016
Professor Srinivas Tadigadapa, Professor of Electrical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University, gave a lecture on September 19, 2016 titled “Resonators for Sensing Applications”.

The field of micro and nano sensors has rapidly evolved over the last couple of decades with many of the highest performance devices exploiting the phenomenon of resonance for sensing. Micro and nano scale designs, fabrication, and integration of new materials offer unique opportunities for innovative, novel, and robust sensor configurations. Examples of electromechanical, optical, and nanoscale resonator devices were presented. Resonator based sensors including gyroscopes, temperature and infrared sensors, magnetic sensors, and chemical and biological sensors were discussed. An overview of critical design considerations such as resonator geometry, the Q-factor, nonlinear behavior, and power consumption were presented. The talk concluded with examples of parametric resonance in nanoscale structures and how it can be exploited for various sensing applications.