
HKU Information Day 2022 for Undergraduate Admissions

Nov 29, 2022

HKU Information Day 2022 for Undergraduate Admissions (IDAY) was held on October 29, 2022 on HKU Campus, and it attracted over 71,000 visitors. “HKU Engineering Envisage an Innovative Future” was the theme of the Faculty and this was the first large-scale event that resume physically held on campus since 2018.

The Faculty arranged a series of activities and exhibitions, including the Main Exhibition, Engineering Demonstration, Admissions Talks, Inno Wing Guided Tour and Open Laboratories. Visitors received useful information from different Engineering programmes and explored cutting-edge innovations in engineering applications such as meta-verse, Extended Reality (XR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Robotic 3D printing.


Main Exhibition


Engineering Demonstration


Admissions Talks


Inno Wing Guided Tour

Open Laboratories by Departments