Organised by Innovation Academy, the Engineering InnoShow were scheduled to be held at the end of each semester, and where students can showcase their innovative projects and achievements to their peers and public as a way of knowledge exchange and giving back to the society.
The forth Engineering InnoShow "All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today” showcased a number of innovative Engineering student projects at Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing on May 4, 2021, where engineering students demonstrate their project to the judges.
A total of 36 student projects from 5 departments and InnoHub members were showcased in the event, and five student teams were selected as the winner of the InnoShow Award. The InnoShow Award is to encourage students to develop innovative mindset in tackling engineering and social problems, and to support outstanding ideas to join international design competitions, the Dean’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fund will appropriate an amount of HK$100K to support a maximum of five student teams participated in the InnoShow to take part in international design competitions.
The five winning teams are as follow:
Biomedical Engineering
Introducing SURGIVIEW: A Fast and Accurate Augmented Reality (AR) Application Supporting End-to-End Clinical Operations
Civil Engineering
Impact of Different Factors on Hyporheic Exchange in a Meandering Pool-riffle Stream
Cross-Faculty project
Mechanical Engineering
A solar power system for producing useful fuels and chemicals from biomass waste
Mechanical Engineering
Design and Modification of a Rototiller for the Grass/Sedge Control
To learn more about the student projects, please feel free to visit: