
HKUEAA in support of student experiential learning activities

Oct 30, 2019

H.K.U. Engineering Alumni Association (HKUEAA) Reception cum Advisor and Class Representative Appointment Ceremony was held on October 30, 2019 at the Foundation Chamber of the University of Hong Kong.  At the ceremony, HKUEAA presented a donation cheque of HK$200,000, being the last installment of the three-year donation pledge, in support of experiential learning activities in the Faculty of Engineering.

Professor Christopher Chao, Dean of Engineering, updated the alumni the recent achievements and research endeavours of the Faculty.  Professor Chao thanked HKUEAA for their generous support to the engineering students.  It is hoped that we can join hands to create opportunities for the best academic talents to excel and advance human knowledge to the benefit of society.

Dr C.K. Chui, Director of Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing, also presented to the alumni about the recent student projects and their achievements which were supported by the HKUEAA Experiential Learning Fund.


Professor Christopher Chao, Dean of Engineering, updated the alumni the recent achievements and research endeavours of the Faculty.

Professor Christopher Chao (right), Dean of Engineering, received a donation cheque from Ir Raymond W.M. Choi (left), President of HKUEAA, in support of student experiential learning activities.

Dr C.K. Chui, Director of Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing, presented to the alumni about the usage and allocation of HKUEAA Experiential Learning Fund.