
Visits by delegates from Mainland China

Dec 20, 2016

Delegates from Shantou Government and industry

A delegation from Shantou including Mr. Yang Zhi-Gang, Director of Shantou Science and Technology Bureau , Mr. Wu Cheng-Wu, Deputy Director, Mr. Tang Guo-Cheng, Deputy Director and Mr. Ngai Hoi-Ying, Member of Guangdong Province CPPCC visited the Faculty on December 15, 2016.

The latest development of the Hi-tech zone in Shantou was introduced by Director Yang. Prof. Francis Lau, the Associate Dean (External Relations and Development) introduced the research development of the Faculty. Dr. Wilton Fok, the Assistant Dean (External Relations and Knowledge Exchange) also updated the progress of university industrial collabouration in mainland with delegates. Besides the Shantou Science and Technology Bureau, there were delegates from the Shantou Health Industry Technology Innovation Public Service Platform(汕頭市健康產業技術創新聯合會) and a group of industrialists from Guangdong Hongzhi Biotechnology and  Guangdong Yawei Bioscience Ltd. joined the meeting and visited the Advanced Robotics Laboratory after the meeting. Director Yang also invited researchers and faculties from the Faculty to visit their High-tech zone in March 2017.

The core research areas in the Faculty were introduced

Visited the Advanced Robotics Laboratory

Delegates from Dongguan City and Chang'an District

In addition to delegates from Shantou, another delegates from Dongguan City and Chang'an District also visited HKU Engineering on December 19, 2016. Ms. Chen Yiuhua, Director of Dongguan City Government HK-Macau Affairs and Mr. He Xiaotin Chang'an District Party Secretary led the delegation and met with Prof. George Tham, Associate Dean (Quality Assurance and Special Projects). The development of technology and migration of industrial re-revolution in mainland was discussed. The delegates were impressed by the research development in the Faculty and they invited us for more collaboration in the future.

Meeting at the Faculty Conference Room 

Demonstration by Dr. Paddy Chan