Ir. C. S. WAI, JP with Mentors and Mentees at the Inauguration Ceremony, joined by Prof. Francis Lau (front row, 3rd from right)
HKUEAA’s mentors are prominent figures from the Government, public utilities, and various leading companies in both engineering and non-engineering fields: experienced chartered engineers, fellows of internationally famous institution of engineers, chief executive officers, chief technology officers, HR directors, business directors, and managers at various levels etc.

Guests of Honor with HKU Engineering Society’s representatives
The remarkable Inauguration Ceremony was kicked off by an inspiring opening speech delivered by Ir. C.S. Wai, JP (President of HKUEAA, and the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), The Government of the HKSAR). Prof. Francis Lau (Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering) and Mr. Oscar Chan (Chairperson, ENS, HKUSU, Session 2014 – 2015) shared their views and expectation on the GMS 2015. Other guests of honor included Ms. Janet Chung (Director (Alumni) of DAAO HKU), Ir. Y.M. Chan (Vice-president of HKUEAA (Students Affairs), Session 2014 – 2015), and Ir. W.H. Luk (Vice-president of HKUEAA (Alumni Affairs), Session 2014 – 2015).

Mentors and Mentees sharing during tea-gathering
After the ceremony, participants enthusiastically joined the tea gathering organized in Bijas Vegetarian. All mentors and mentees had a fruitful and enjoyable afternoon. It was a great time for experience sharing between mentors and mentees. Students surely had gained a lot through this precious moment. The event was successfully held and ended with joy. This was surely a great and meaningful event for all of the participants.